2022 Plastics Salary Survey Results

- MBS Recruiting

MBS has completed our 2022 Plastics Salary Survey and the results are now available!

Salary & Benefits – Top Drivers for Job Changes and Talent Retention

Year after year, Salary & Benefits remain the two most influential factors for candidates considering a job change. Are you paying enough to attract and retain talent?

Based on the MBS Advisors 2022 Plastics Salary Survey, only 6% of respondents are actively seeking a new job compared to 13% last year indicating a rebound from Covid-19 layoffs and a tighter candidate market. Additionally, overall job satisfaction has increased from 73% to 80% since last year, further leading to talent shortage and more difficulty hiring new employees. That’s where developing and implementing a strategic recruiting approach becomes more important than ever, and MBS Advisors can help.

Average 2022 salaries and bonus pay for 85 titles/positions in plastics manufacturing are available now for free.