How did I miss it?

- MBS Recruiting

National Adirondack day! The first national celebration of the Adirondack chair was June 21st. The iconic chair dates to 1903, and its design is all American. The proclamation of National Adirondack day was declared this year by Adams Manufacturing, a producer of durable, useful outdoor furniture made of plastic.

Let’s prevent such a mental lapse in the future. Mark your calendar now for other notable celebration days upcoming in the next few weeks.
July 6: National Fried Chicken Day
July 7: World Chocolate Day
July 22: Pi Approximation Day
July 30: National Whistleblower Appreciation Day
August 10: National S’mores Day
August 15: Relaxation Day (I’m in!)

p.s. To Adams Manufacturing–The Adirondack could be America’s greatest contribution to world chair design. Wouldn’t it make sense to celebrate National Adirondack day next year on July 4?


Thanks to Plastics News writer Bill Bregar for raising the issue.