More Skills. More Perks.

- MBS Recruiting

Suppose your company needs to hire a new employee, but this new employee may not be next door.  He/she may be across the country. How are employers using perks to entice top performers to relocate? A few days ago, the Wall Street Journal posted an article about how unemployment is at a 50-year low and employers in manufacturing need to learn to be creative in order to attract new talent. Companies desperate for talent are offering things like signing bonuses, increasing starting salaries, paying relocation expenses, offering gym memberships, and more. It’s not as important that a great candidate live nearby as it once was. It’s more important now to be able to convince that candidate to come to the employer. A candidate’s willingness to move could provide huge benefits in the end. Find out more about what perks are being offered to potential employees by reading the full article in the WSJ, Skilled Workers Score Sweeter Perks to Move.
