Social Media Do’s and Don’ts

- MBS Recruiting

It was brought to my attention recently that LinkedIn has started to become politicized, and now that I’m paying attention, the gradual polarization, name-calling, and insults on this professional network have begun.

Is LinkedIn turning into Facebook or Twitter? Are we going to be seeing your cat memes and back to school photos next?

I was still under the impression that talking about politics or religion at work or in a professional setting was a no-no, or a sensitive topic at the very least. But as these posts begin to rise, no doubt they’ll divide, and alienate half your clients, colleagues, or potential customers. Now more than ever; we, as professionals, need to be careful with what we say/post online.

Have you ever thought, “Is this post appropriate for LinkedIn?” If you had to question it, the answer is probably, NO. Unlike other social media platforms, LinkedIn was designed as a place for professionals to connect and market their brands and services.

Below are a few simple Do’s & Don’ts when it comes to posting on social media, specifically LinkedIn.


  1. Timely and relevant posts
  2. Conversation inspiring posts
  3. Professional wins & changes
  4. Promote yourself, your business, and others


  1. Political or religious content
  2. Unaccredited, false, or misleading content
  3. Too much personal information



NO POLITICS ON LINKEDIN! 7 Ways to Remain Professional & Relevant on LinkedIn

9 Types of Content to Stop Posting on Social Media

5 Things You Should Avoid Posting On LinkedIn